Progress Declares
The installation meeting of Progress Mark Lodge No 898 at Preston Masonic Hall witnessed Alan Whittle being declared to continue as Worshipful Master for another twelve months.
Alan Whittle with lodge grandee Glyn Jackson Davies P Asst.PGM.
The representative of the PGM Keith Beardmore was Dave Sear, yes my faithful reader it was your northern correspondent. It was my maiden outing as a representative of the PGM.
With the WM and most officers being re-appointed there was only one address that being to the Brethren which I managed to muddle through under the watchful gaze of my fellow special representative David Robinson.
Members of the lodge with special representative David Robinson to the right of the WM
I did not even have the onus of forwarding the cheque to Provincial Charity Steward John Sarti as he is a member of the lodge and I simply had to cross the floor to deliver it. On the evening John was presented with a collarette to signify he is now a grand patron of the Mark Benevolent Fund.
It was a short but very pleasant meeting with the festive board being a very amicable affair enjoyed by all and typifying the camaraderie associated with the Magic of the Mark.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear